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How Jam24 is One of the Best Music Streaming Platform for New and Unsigned Artists


Digital technology has impacted nearly every aspect of life, from communications, businesses and entertainment. The advancement in digital technology has had a significant influence on the dynamics of the music industry. For example, a few decades ago, radio was standard in nearly every house, and people love to tune in to their favorite songs and radio shows. But in recent times, people hear songs through music streaming applications.

In the digital age, we see the physical medium such as vinyl records, cassettes, and CDs gradually going out of practice. The big leap was the introduction of the MP3 file format and the advent of portable players such as MP3 players and iPods. However, today we see people listening to songs through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

How Music Industry has changed and Impact of Digital Technology

Over the years, the way a common person listens to music has changed considerably, and so has the promotion and delivery of music. The conventional way for an artist to promote his album was through cassettes and CDs, but now the Internet is being used to deliver music in the form of digital files.

The future of the music industry is the music streaming services that provide convenience and luxury for people to listen to their favorite songs without downloading them. The streaming services also allow users to connect with their friends, share music, and recommend songs and entire playlists. The best thing is that you can stream music for free on your smartphone, whether at home or while driving in your car.

In the growing competition among digital streaming services, one new entrant is Jam24 Global that is embracing the change and integrating digital elements with music. The digital platform reaches a wide audience and provides listeners with songs and services which they wish for.

The best advantage of a digital network is access to various channels that can be integrated within a particular streaming service. For example, Jam24 Global is a big network consisting of Jam24Radio, Jam24 TV, and JamFest Gigs that run separately but are integrated.

Jam24Radio is an online radio that plays a wide range of songs from almost every genre, but the focus is on promoting new music and unsigned artists and bands. Jam24 Global knows how hard it can be for creative individuals to produce, rehearse, and record an album. Young individuals are always looking for an opportunity to showcase their talent in front of an audience and record labels.

The record companies usually look to sign up musicians and artists who are already established and delivering music that is popular and mainstream. Most of the music bands are formed in high school because individuals share the same dreams and aspirations. But the road to fame and fortune is a rather long one and includes expectations, disappointments, and success.

How Jam24Radio is Promoting New Music

Today, hundreds of artists and bands perform various music genres, and competition is tough and challenging. However, streaming services such as Jam24Radio can be an ideal stepping stone for you if you are a singer, musician, songwriter, music producer, DJ, or even a fan.

The Jam24 Platform works as a community and a place for music bands and artists to connect with their fans. We know how hard it can be to source for gigs, produce, and record songs, but we allow you to take advantage of our digital channels and increase your fan base and get a chance to be heard by record labels and established recording artists.

As an ambitious and aspiring singer or musician, it is difficult to ask a popular radio to play your songs, let alone getting a chance of having a 5-minute meeting with a record company. However, Jam24Radio is different and always looking to promote new talent and make them known.

The genre or style of music you produce does not matter as on Jam24Radio, we play music from every genre, be it rock, pop, dance, country, rap, folk, indie, or jazz. But the songs and music you deliver should be original, pleasing to the ears, and unsigned. If you or your band has recently signed with a record label, even then, we will like to play your songs.

A good number of our audience are fans and music producers, band managers, and agents of record companies who are always looking for a new music sensation that they can introduce in mainstream media.

Unsigned music bands can avail the opportunity provided by Jam24Radio to play, promote, and market their music and get a chance to feature in mainstream music charts.

The songs you will provide will also feature on our playlists, and if even one gets terrific reviews from fans, it can open a world of opportunities for you.

Jam24Radio is always looking for new ways to engage the music artists and fans, and one such way is by introducing a ‘New Music Chart.’ The online radio will make a music chart, and the fans will be asked to vote for their favorite song that they like to feature at the top of the charts. The fans can get their hands on different prizes, and the artists or bands that top the charts will get to play at the upcoming JamFest 2021.

The Highly Anticipated JamFest 2021

The biggest showcase of the year is the JamFest 2021, which is finally happening on September 30, 2021. The stage is set for the best new and unsigned music artists and bands to mesmerize the audience with their music. The event will feature the top Breakthrough Artists who have joined the Jam24Radio platform.

The JamFest2021 event will present both live performances and even some prerecorded ones. The Jam24Radio’s online radio and TV will promote the event and provide coverage to the participating bands through interviews and behind the scene clips.

The fans have a chance to come in and have a fascinating night enjoying the best music in town. The ticket price is £11.20, and fans can easily buy them online. There will be lots of fun and exciting competitions in which the fans can participate and win prizes. At the end of the event, each performing artist or band will get a copy of their performance which they can add to their portfolio and share across social media.

Apart from the main Jam24Radio and forthcoming JamFest 2021, the company is also working to bring Jam24 TV that will feature videos, interviews, live gigs, and even video versions of popular radio shows.

Final Thoughts

The growth of the Internet and digitization has transformed the way we access and listen to music. It has also given the opportunity for young and established artists to reinvent themselves and use digital platforms to stay active and popular.

The rapidly changing music industry requires proactive measures, and Jam24 Global is playing its part in connecting new music talent with fans who are eager to listen to new music. Jam24Radio is an online music streaming platform that engages new talent and promotes their music.

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